Framework Adapters
Folks often ask if they can use Wagmi with other frameworks, like Vue, Svelte, and more.
The short answer is — you already can! Wagmi Core is pure VanillaJS that you can use with any framework. For some, this answer is (understandably) unsatisfying as they want a tight integration between Wagmi Core and their favorite framework's reactivity system, e.g. what Wagmi is for React.
Someday, we would love to support additional frameworks, but unfortunately the core team doesn't have time to build and support them in a high-quality way at the moment. This could change in the future with additional sponsors, reshuffling of the roadmap, or if someone from the community wants to lead the effort.
In the meantime, here are a some tips on how to create tighter bonds between Wagmi Core and other frameworks.
Dependency Injection
Once you create a Wagmi Config, you'll need to make sure your framework has access to it inside your higher-level functions (e.g. hooks for React). For example, Wagmi uses React Context to inject the Config into React Hooks and update it if it changes. This makes it so you users don't need to pass a Config object to every time they use a hook.
Reactivity Layer
All frameworks approach reactivity in a different way. To hook into your favorite frameworks, reactivity system, it's often helpful to see what other popular libraries for your framework are doing.
The most important thing to hook up Wagmi Core with your framework is to make sure changes to the Wagmi Config are tracked. This enables behavior, like switching chains or connecting accounts, to propogate throughout your app and update state. Check out useAccount
, useChainId
, useClient
, and useConnectorClient
— versions of these for your framework are important to get right as they power a lot of internals.
TanStack Query
Wagmi uses TanStack Query to enable caching, deduplication, persistance, and more in React applications. Normally, you would need to find a similar library for your framework, but the good news is TanStack Query supports other frameworks! (Vue, Svelte, and Solid at the time of writing.)
To get started with your framework, install and set up the related TanStack Query adapter. Next, import query keys/functions and mutation functions from the '@wagmi/core/query'
entrypoint. You can plug these directly into your framework's TanStack Query adapter functions.
If you are building a library, you'll also want to make sure you that you wire up generics correctly so type-inference and safety works correctly. The best way to make sure you are doing this correctly, is to see how we do this for React with Wagmi by checking out the source code.
If you are building a library, you'll want to write tests. Wagmi uses React Testing Library to test hooks. Testing Library also supports other frameworks, like Vue, Svelte, and more. You can take a look on how the React tests work and do something similar for your code.
Proxy Exports
Wagmi proxies exports directly from Wagmi Core and Viem to make importing easier. You'll likely want to imitate this behavior for your framework.